With its merit scholarship program, Universität Hamburg supports outstanding international students and doctoral researchers in all subjects and at all degree levels who have been socially committed and actively involved in an international context. The awarding of a merit scholarship allows recipients to concentrate fully on their studies and gives them the opportunity to develop their skills.
You are entitled to funding if you
- have been enrolled in your subject at Universität Hamburg for at least 2 semesters and are pursuing a degree (students in 2-year master’s degree programs and doctoral researchers can apply after 1 completed semester);
- do not hold German citizenship;
- are not eligible for the federal student loan scheme.
Funding amount and funding duration
The maximum monthly funding sum is €850. Depending on the availability of funding, individual doctoral researchers may be awarded a merit scholarship totaling €1,000 per month (roughly 2–3 merit scholarships are awarded per round).
Merit scholarships are awarded for 2 semesters (total of 12 months). You can reapply for a scholarship. In well-founded exceptional cases, the maximum funding period is 3 years.
Those not entitled to funding:
- international students fulfilling the requirements of Section 8 of the German federal training assistance act (Bundesgesetz über individuelle Förderung der Ausbildung, BAföG)
Application deadlines
We recommend an individual advising session before you submit your online application. The application deadlines are:
15 April (funding period: 1 October – 30 September of the same year)
15 October (funding period: 1 April – 31 March of the following year)
Contact the program coordinator should you have further questions. Good luck with your application!
For more information please visit the link below :
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