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“CIVIL CARE is an Independent Non-Governmental Organization providing humanitarian and relief assistance, social care programs, in addition to planning and implementation of sustainable development projects that meets the needs of the present and the future requirements of society.
Civil Care was founded and formed in 2016 by a group of Syrian human rights and civil society activists who have gathered and made great efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to the besieged areas in Damascus and its countryside. Before the end of 2016 a large number of residents of those besieged areas (Darayya, Muadamiyat Al-Sham, Khan Al-Shih) were displaced and transferred to live in camps in northern parts of Syria and close to the borders with Turkey.
In order to fulfill our commitment to the humanitarian values and in response to the crisis, we found the need to move forward and expand our activities to northern Syria to ensure delivery of the maximum amount of humanitarian aid and providing social care to a large number of internally displaced families who settled in camps near the borders with Turkey. Therefore, we registered our organization in Turkey and during the process its name was translated into Turkish language as “SİVİL HİMAYE DERNEĞİ” (Civil Care Association). We received our certificate of registration No. 34-227-191 on 1 \ 11 \ 2016.
A leading non-governmental organization in the field of social care and social development with a clear and successful impact on both the local and global communities
Supporting the needy and the most vulnerable groups of the society by consistent adherence to the principles of human dignity and social justice.
Values & Principals:
1. We Emphasis on the principle of mutual trust, respect and honest communication with our partners by excellence, professionalism and commitment in our work.
2. Transparency, clarity and integrity in all steps of our work, projects and financial reports.
3. We consider all human beings are equal and serving their needs is a must regardless of race, religion, color, orientation, creed, or political affiliation.
4. Maintaining the privacy and dignity of each of our beneficiaries.
Aims & Objectives:
1. Spreading the spirit of caring and sharing for the needy and pushing voluntary work to build a fully integrated civil society.
2. Delivering relief aid directly into the hands of the neediest according to humanitarian principals.
3. Developing educational solutions and strengthening the efforts to adopt and implement effective programs to decrease school dropout rates among children.
4. Empowering the most vulnerable groups of the society especially women by providing training programs and encouraging them to self-sufficiency.
5. Promoting the role of civil society in social and economic development through involvement in the planning and implementation of sustainable development projects.
6. Cooperating and coordinating with local and international humanitarian organizations and relevant associations to meet the human needs and integrating social development and charity activities.
1. Refugees and Internally Displaced Families.
2. Orphans and Children with Disabilities
3. Widows, Elderly, Poor and Needy Families
4. Education and Training Centers.
5. Sustainable Development Projects.
Areas of Work:
1- Social Protection
2- Emergency Shelter and NFI
3- Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL)
4- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
5- Education
6- Sustainable Development
منظمة خيرية مستقلة تعمل على تنفيذ المشاريع الإغاثية و التنموية و التربوية حسب متطلبات و ظروف المجتمع.
الرؤية: منظمة تنموية و إنسانية رائدة ذات اثر واضح في بناء المجتمعات و تطورها.
دعم مكونات المجتمع الاكثر احتياجا متمسكين بمبادئ الكرامة الانسانية و تحقيق العدالة . الاجتماعية
1- بث روح البذل والعطاء والتطوع وترسيخ المبادئ الأصيلة في أفراد المجتمع.
2- التعامل بشفافية ووضوح و نزاهة في جميع معاملاتنا و تقاريرنا و مشاريعنا.
3- التأكيد على مبدأ الصدق و الامانة المتبادلة بيننا و بين شركائنا لنكون موضع ثقة الجميع.
4- اعتبار الانسانية الاطار العام الذي يشمل كل الناس فهم متساوون جميعا باعتبارهم بشرا عندما يتعلق الامر بالحاجة للمساعدة.
1- توفير حياة أفضل لأفراد المجتمع من خلال التطوير الاجتماعي و الاقتصادي.
2- الوصول إلى المحتاجين و المنكوبين في المجتمعات ومد يد العون لهم.
3- تحقيق الخصوصية في خدمة الأسر.
4- السرعة في تسجيل الاسر و تقديم الخدمات اللازمة لها.
5- متابعة شؤون الأسر وتطورات اوضاعهم الأسرية والمعيشية.
6- وضع قاعدة بيانات موحدة للجمعيات الخيرية.
7- التعاون و التنسيق مع المنظمات و الجمعيات ذات الصلة في العمل الخيري محليا و عالميا بما يحقق التكامل الخيري.
مجالات العمل:
1- توزيع المساعدات الإغاثية و العينية للمحتاجين.
2- رعاية الأيتام و الاطفال و المسنين
3- المجال التربوي و منه الاشراف على الروضات و المدارس الخاصة.
4- تنفيذ المشاريع التنموية.”

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    Civil Care
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  • Organizations Category:
    National Civil Society Organization
  • Sector of Intervention:

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