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Training in Science Journalism

Expired in 2022-02-25

 training in Science journalism for junior journalists and citizen journalists working in local alternative media platforms between Tuesday March 8st and Friday 11th 2022, physically in Saida, Lebanon.
DW Akademie is Deutsche Welle’s center for international media development, journalism training and knowledge transfer. Our projects strengthen the human right to freedom of expression and unhindered access to information. DW Akademie empowers people worldwide to make independent decisions based on reliable facts and constructive dialogue.

What we offer:

  • In theory and application, you will be offered a training covering the Basics of Scientific Journalism, Ethics, and fact-checking.
  • You will be provided with material and resources from DWA along with new formats and best-practice examples and criteria.
  • An opportunity to work on topics for publication, with guidance from experts and trainers.

What you bring:

  • A background in Journalism
  • Availability to physically attend all 4 days of the workshop in Saida
  • Preferably a job in an alternative media platform for participants to publish their production pieces.

How to apply

Send your application/motivation letter, resume, and samples of your work by email with the subject line “Science Journalism Training – Saida”

to Sahar.charara@dw.com.

For more information please visit the link below :



المقالة السابقة
تغطية قصص إنسانية في لبنان
المقالة التالية
Launch of the Key Messages on Women, Land and Peace

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هذا الموقع يستخدم خدمة أكيسميت للتقليل من البريد المزعجة. اعرف المزيد عن كيفية التعامل مع بيانات التعليقات الخاصة بك processed.

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