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Strengthening Young Women Peace builders’ Capacity in Complex Crises

Expired in 2022-08-15

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN

Women), in collaboration with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the Unite Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), are launching the pilot initiative “Strengthening Young Women Peace builders’ Capacity in Complex Crises”, a programme that seeks to support young women leading civil society organizations in fragile and/or conflict-affected countries.

The objective of this initiative is to provide capacity-building for young women-led organizations to strengthen their fundraising skills, and to create a space for peer exchange, networking, sharing of best practices, and lessons learned among young women peacebuilders.

A 4-day, in-person workshop will be held in November 2022 in Tbilisi, Georgia. You will learn about key policy areas such as peace building and sustaining peace, the women, peace, and security (WPS) and the youth, peace, and security (YPS) agendas; and key project management skills: designing and drafting project proposals (including conflict analysis, theory of change, logical frameworks), fundraising, donor outreach, and reporting.

For more info, visit :


المقالة السابقة
معلومات وخدمات تتعلق بتسجيل الزواج للسوريين المقيمين في لبنان
المقالة التالية
التغطية الاعلامية الحساسة لقضايا النوع الإجتماعي

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