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Scholarships for Syrian Students to Study in Lebanon 2022

Expired in 2022-06-15

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Syria/Iraq Office awards scholarships to Syrian students to study at a university in Lebanon. Their scholarship program is aimed at Syrian graduates who have acquired a university degree in Lebanon and who intend to complete master studies for four semesters at a university in Lebanon.

They are looking for students, who

  • have a university degree,
  • prove above average academic performance,
  • have graduated no longer than 5 years ago,
  • have good knowledge of the English language,
  • are actively engaged in voluntary work,
  • plan to study a maximum of four semesters at a university in Lebanon,
  • have a positive attitude towards democracy and human rights,
  • are open to develop their personal points of view and practice tolerance, and
  • are highly motivated and able to convince us of their goals in life.

The standard funding periods is two years (Master), with a monthly allowance.


Please send your complete application by June 15th, 2022 to Cyrine Farhat Project Manager at the KAS Syria/Iraq Office: [email protected]

Necessary Documents for the Application

Please download and fill out the application form and attach the following documents:

  • A meaningful CV including details about your previous voluntary work or social commitment.
  • Motivation Letter.
  • Copies of your examination certificates.
  • Proof of English language skills (IELTS or TOFEL).
  • An academic letter of recommendation: This letter should provide information about your academic qualifications and potential; it should not be older than two months. The author has to be a university professor or teacher holding a doctoral degree.
  • A letter of recommendation concerning the applicant’s personality: This letter should focus on your personality and interests as well as your values and social commitment. The author cannot be the same as the one providing the academic letter of recommendation.
  • A proof of your voluntary work.
  • A certificate of admission or matriculation from your university in Lebanon.



For More information :


المقالة السابقة
ورشة تدريبية في كيفية إعداد وكتابة السير الذاتية
المقالة التالية
التقرير السنوي لأبرز انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان بحق اللاجئين السوريين في لبنان

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