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Maypole Fund Grants for Women 2022/2023

Maypole Fund Grants for Women; Seeking Applications from Women Groups to Proactively Challenge Patriarchy.

Applications are open for “The Maypole Fund” from women only with an aim to resource imaginative, non-violent activities by feminist anti-militarist women whether individual women or women only groups – to proactively challenge patriarchy.

The Maypole Fund is seeking applications from women only for projects and activities for any of the following:Anti-militarism;Action against the arms trade;Action against nuclear weapons and weapons systems;Creating a culture of peace and non-violence and the prevention of conflict and war;Action to support disarmament policies, processes and related initiatives

The Maypole Fund was set up in 1986 by women involved in the peace movement, especially with Greenham Common.

Today, they are a group of feminists coming from various political backgrounds.

Maypole Fund Grants for Women – Funding Information

The Maypole Fund gives grants of up to £750.

Maypole Fund Grants for Women – Eligibility Criteria

Young women’s groups/individuals;Activities or projects not yet started;Women who do not have access to other sources of funding or whose projects find it difficult to attract funding from elsewhere;Imaginative/creative activities;Individual and small women’s groups over larger established women’s groups.

Maypole Fund Grants for Women – How to Apply

Interested applicants can download the application forms via given website.

For more information and application details, see; Maypole Fund Grants for Women

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