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“Academic Support Officer”

1. Main Responsibilities:

– Management of the academic calendar and the manager’s diary.
– Management and updating of the entity’s files.
– Preparation of meetings, drafting and distribution of minutes.
– Payment and accounting tasks in alignment with the finance department and the accounting department.
– Academic administrative coordination, logistics and communication in the planning of entity events.
– Interaction with the various internal entities and the entity’s external partners for the coordination of partnership projects.
– Generation of academic reports and statistics.


2. Required:

– Bac +3
– Field of study: Management, Human Sciences




“Administrative Support Officer”

1. Main Responsibilities:

– Reception and orientation of visitors according to their needs
– Management of the manager’s calendar and diary
– Preparation of meetings, drafting and distribution of minutes
–  Processing and distribution of correspondence
– Organization of the electronic and paper filing system
– Supply of dashboards and information systems
– Payment and accounting tasks in alignment with the financial and accounting departments
– Administrative coordination, logistics and communication in the planning of entity events
– Generation of reports and statistics


2. Required:

– Bac +3
– Field of study: Management, Human Sciences



1. Main Responsibilities:

– Monitor the progress of projects with the various entities involved in the digital chain.
– Describes, enriches and indexes metadata in possible collaboration with a documentation service for putting works online.
– Checks the technical conformity of the documents received.
– Checks the consistency of the metadata linked to the texts being edited and adapts the illustrations.
– Organizes the digital archiving of editions.
– Updates information on the University’s publications site.


2. Required:

– Bac +3
– Field of study: Letters, book trades
– Years of experience: 3

“Librarian – Assistant”

1. Main Responsibilities:

– Welcomes and informs users in their research and ensures compliance with the rules.

– Registers new users, enters loans into the computer system and follows up on feedback with members.

– Identifies recurring unsatisfied user requests.

– Suggests the layout of the shelves according to the volume of funds and needs.

– Receives acquisitions, documentary funds and donations and checks compliance, quantities, etc.

– Verifies the physical condition of documents and repairs books and documents that are slightly damaged.

– Help prepare and lead events as needed.

– Makes the inventory and the reconciliation of works and equipment and identifies the discrepancies between the physical inventory and the digital database.


2. Required:

– Bac +3
– Field of study: Documentation, human or social sciences.

– Years of experience: 0

“Responsible for monitoring student mobility”

1. Main Responsibilities:

– Develop and write procedures relating to student mobility

– Propose changes to the Mobility Regulations at USJ and update the electronic version

– Participate in the management of incoming and outgoing student mobility request files

– Disseminate international scholarship offers to the USJ student community

– Participate in the search for new international opportunities for exchanges and scholarships.

– Prepare and send various documents for mobile students: admission letters, transcripts, etc.

– Follow up on scholarship files with home universities and USJ institutions

– Prepare the visits of the members of the staff, administrative and academic, holders of Erasmus + scholarships and participate in their reception

– Organize events and outings for mobile students

– Establish summaries of incoming and outgoing mobility, staff and students, with all the required information

2. Prerequisites:

– Academic level: Bac + 3

– Field of study: Humanities, Social Sciences, Management

– Years of experience: 3

– Written and spoken languages: French, Arabic, English

Research Associate

“Student Activities Animator”

Main responsibilities 


– Interacts with students to identify needs and requests for activities or projects to be implemented during the year.
– Designs and plans new student activities
– Proposes the provisional budget of the activities planned for the year.
– Collaborates with the Head of Service for the design and implementation of training programs for student structures.
– Develops and organizes with student structures and students projects and civic, cultural or associative activities.
– Implements and monitors the logistical preparation and the conduct of events organized by the Service, and activities in the field.
– Recruits, supports and coaches students as needed in the design and implementation of their various non-academic projects.
– Follows up with external partners or public institutions for the proper implementation of activities.
– Writes a periodic activity report and proposes areas for improvement.
– Write articles and press releases for distribution.



– Bac +3
– Social work, Communication
– Years of experience: 3


For more information please visit the link below :

إضافة تعليق

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هذا الموقع يستخدم Akismet للحدّ من التعليقات المزعجة والغير مرغوبة. تعرّف على كيفية معالجة بيانات تعليقك.

معلومات الفرصة

  • المسمى الوظيفي
    Several Vacancies
  • الشركة/المؤسسة:
    Saint Joseph University
  • نوع العقد:
  • الشهادة المطلوبة:
    Bachelor Degree
  • الخبرات:
    3 - 5 Years
  • اللغات:
  • نوع العقد:
  • القطاع:
    Social Work
    دراسات وأبحاث
    دراسات وأبحاث
  • تاريخ الانتهاء:
    6/6/2022 (Expired)

معلومات التواصل

إضافة تعليق

Your email is safe with us.

هذا الموقع يستخدم Akismet للحدّ من التعليقات المزعجة والغير مرغوبة. تعرّف على كيفية معالجة بيانات تعليقك.

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