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he Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), announces a vacancy, for PROGRAMS’ MANAGER position, according following condition:

PRG 302 Vacancy code/ Code de la vacance


رمز الوظيفة

19/02/2021 Application deadline/ Date limite de soumission


مهلة تقديم الطلبات

02/02/2021 Date to launch announcement


Date de lancement de l’annonce

تاريخ الإعلان

Work Remotely  Place of work/ Lieu de travail


مكان العمل

SCM Employer/Employeur


جهة العمل

The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM) is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization that aims to a society that guarantees freedom of expression and belief, human rights, and access to justice. Its vision is a democratic world based on justice, freedom and equality, with respect for human rights and dignity Employer profile/ Profil de l’employeur


لمحة عن جهة العمل

PROGRAMS Unit-Department/ Unité – Département



PROGRAMS’ MANAGER Job title/ Profession


اسم الوظيفة

1 No. of positions available/ Nombre de postes disponibles


العدد المطلوب

Annual Contract, renewable based on evaluation. Three months probation period Type of contract and duration/ Type de contrat et durée


فترة التعاقد

Programs’ Manager acts as the head of the Programs’ Department and reports directly to the General Director.



  • Responsible for developing the strategic plan of all SCM Programs, towards achieving its vision, mission and Objectives.
  • Responsible for researching, planning, implementing programs’ objectives.
  • Ensure program operations and activities adhere to legal guidelines and internal policies.
  • Provide regular updates to the General Director accurately about Programs’ activities and progress.
  • Develop new programs / projects within the Department that serve the strategic plan of the organization.
  • Ensure that all Programs including their projects aspects are ready on time such as but not limited to: MEAL plan, Risk management Plan, work plan, Budgets, recruitment and procurements plans, by signing the final approval on the documents.
  • Conduct the final revision of all proposals, external reporting before sharing with external stakeholders.
  • Responsible for close-out phase for all programs including projects, providing recommendations on the projects’ evaluation.
  • Track progress and performance of all Programs’ managers in addition to being reposbilibe for their administrative matters.
  • Provide continuous support to staff and build their capacities through on job training, mentoring, and coaching.
  • Seek funding opportunities for all programs.
  • Represent SCM in delegated events, donors’ meetings and as requested from the line manager.
  • Maintain good relationships with stakeholders, partners & beneficiaries.
  • Any other related task requested by the line manager.
Roles and responsibilities/ Rôles et responsabilités



University Degree in Business Administration, Social Sciences or relevant field Certificates / Diplômes



  • minimum of  3 years of experience in programs’ management in a similar institution
  • Fluency in English and Arabic, other European language would be considered as as an added value
  • Excellent knowledge in the Syrian context, specially the context of human rights in Syria (Justice and Rule of Law, Media and Freedoms, Citizenship and Civil Society)
  • Ability to travel within European Union countries and MENA region
  • Excellent skills in using computer software applications, specially Google G-Suite, Microsoft Office Suite
  • Experience in Remote management in a similar field of work
  • Ability to manage activities and various staff groups, in addition to high communication skills
  • Ability to work under pressure.
  • Strong knowledge in managing donors’ requirements, reporting and developing proposals
  • Years of Experience/ Nombres d’années d’expériences / عدد سنوات الخبرة
  • Competencies/ compétences / الكفاءات
  • Languages/ langues / اللغات
Type of Announcement (Internal/External)
كيفية تقديم الطلبات


  • يجب أن تحتوي السيرة الذاتية معلومات التواصل كاملة (رقم هاتف – سكايب)، الخبرات السابقة مع ذكر أسماء الجهات التي عمل معها، الشهادات الأكاديمية التي يحملها.
  • تقبل السير الذاتية بصيغة ملف PDF  مع تسمية الملف باسم الشخص كاملاً.
  • ترسل الطلبات إلى البريد الإلكتروني [email protected]  مع وضع اسم الوظيفة في عنوان البريد الإلكتروني.
  • يتم تجاهل أي طلب أرسل بعد انتهاء الموعد المحدد.
  • ستبدأ عملية مراجعة السير الذاتية بعد انتهاء مدة الاعلان، وستتم دعوة المترشحين الذين انتقلوا للمرحلة الثانية في عملية التوظيف فقط لإجراء المقابلات. نعتذر عن عدم إرسال رد لباقي المتقدمين.
How to apply/ comment s’inscrire


  • The CV must include contact information (telephone number, Skype address), previous experiences with professional references, academic qualifications

Le             Le CV doit inclure les coordonnées de contact (numéro de téléphone, adresse Skype), les expériences antérieures avec des références professionnelles, les qualifications académiques

  • CV must be in PDF with the full name of the applicant in the title

Le          Le CV doit être sous format PDF avec le nom complet du demandeur dans le titre

  • Applications sent via email [email protected] with the name of the vacancy in the email subject

Les candidatures envoyées par e-mail [email protected]  avec le nom du poste vacant dans l’objet de l’e-mail

  • Any application received after the deadline will be rejected.

Toute candidature reçue après la date limite sera rejeté

  • CVs will be reviewed after the deadline of submission, and only shortlisted will be called for interviews. We apologize for not sending replies to all.

Les CVs seront examinés après la date limite de soumission, et seuls les candidats retenus seront appelés pour des entretiens. Nous nous excusons de ne pas avoir envoyé de réponses à tous

إضافة تعليق

Your email is safe with us.

هذا الموقع يستخدم Akismet للحدّ من التعليقات المزعجة والغير مرغوبة. تعرّف على كيفية معالجة بيانات تعليقك.

معلومات الفرصة

  • المسمى الوظيفي
  • الشركة/المؤسسة:
    The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM)
  • نوع العقد:
  • الشهادة المطلوبة:
    Bachelor Degree
  • الخبرات:
    3 - 5 Years
  • اللغات:
  • نوع العقد:
  • القطاع:
  • تاريخ الانتهاء:

معلومات التواصل

إضافة تعليق

Your email is safe with us.

هذا الموقع يستخدم Akismet للحدّ من التعليقات المزعجة والغير مرغوبة. تعرّف على كيفية معالجة بيانات تعليقك.

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