Head of Country Office
- عدد المشاهدات: 0
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, with 192 member National Societies. As part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, our work is guided by seven fundamental principles; humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.
Organizational Context
The IFRC is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement) together with its member National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The work of the IFRC is guided by the following fundamental principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality. For the next decade the organization will be guided by the principles set out in the IFRC Strategy 2030: Platform for change – global reach, local action.
The IFRC is led by its Secretary General, and has its Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The Headquarters are organized into several main divisions: (i) National Society Development and Operations Coordination NSDOC); (ii) Global Relations, Humanitarian Diplomacy and Digitalization (GRHDD); and (iii) Management Policy, Strategy and Corporate Services (MPSCS).
The IFRC has five regional offices based in the following locations: (i) Africa Region, in Nairobi, Kenya; (ii) Asia Pacific Region, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; (iii) Middle East and North Africa Region, in Beirut, Lebanon; (iv) Europe Region, in Budapest, Hungary; and Americas Region, in Panama City, Panama.
IFRC also has country cluster delegations and country delegations throughout the world. Together, the Geneva headquarters and the field structure (regional, cluster and country) comprise the IFRC Secretariat.
Syria Country Office is one of the Country Offices in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region. The Country Office is led by a Head of Country Office (HoCO) and is composed of majority international staff with additional 2 national positions. The country office can also host regional outpost positions based on strategic directions agreed with the Regional Director.
Job Purpose
The role of the Head of Country Office (HoCO) of the IFRC in Syria, is strategic and support function to make the National Society stronger in their volunteering and national network of branches and systems, including the development of financial capacities to sustain quality and relevant services in their domestic context. Including surge capacity whenever large disasters or crises overwhelm the capacity of the National Society to manage the operation fully. The offices provide qualified Membership Coordination before, during and after disasters and crises and adequate Movement Cooperation to reinforce the red pillar actions. In times of disasters or crises the IFRC Secretariat should have systems in place to allow temporary mechanisms to separate from those used for cooperation in normal programming. The HoCO is responsible for security of IFRC staff and visitors, and could assume regional focal point roles depending on strategic or tactical areas IFRC regional office may consider appropriate.
Job Duties and Responsibilities
Strengthening the local National Society (NS) to deliver services and to advocate on behalf of vulnerable people
– Establish and maintain close working relations with the leadership of the country National Society related to issues of NSD, programmatic directions, policy and overall cooperation and coordination with the IFRC.
– Strengthen the local national society to continuously deliver efficient humanitarian services to vulnerable/affected, disaster/epidemic or as part of the project activities or development programs.
– Understand the needs and concerns of the local NS and ensure at all times that IFRC provides relevant support and make stronger the support to Youth and volunteering and for the capacity of the national society to self-sustained essential services
– Ensure that Secretariat delivers and provides quality support to the NS and core programmes are properly planned, managed and monitored; and that capacity building opportunities are fully exploited.
– Ensure that evaluations of Federation supported programmes are carried out according to project/programme plans and that lessons are effectively shared.
– Lead resource mobilisation for the Federation Secretariat and NS programmes in the country and for global activities of the Federation and the NS.
– Support the NS in its plans to strengthen their financial sustainability and resource mobilization efforts as well its human resource development processes, in particular the volunteer growth and youth engagement.
– Support the international cooperation capacities of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) through enhanced regional engagement with the National Society Leadership group as well as effective membership coordination and engagement with other global / regional RCRC forums as relevant.
Implementation of Strategy 2030 and Agenda for Renewal
– Ensure effective analysis on the humanitarian impact in Syria of the IFRC five global strategic priorities identified on the S2030 and work with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC ) on practical solutions to respond to the needs derive from those humanitarian challenges that are most relevant and impacting the country.
– Facilitate the conditions to put in place the IFRC Agenda for renewal to enhance the IFRC Secretariat internal efficiencies and the provision of relevant support to Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) priority transformations to respond to S-2030.
– Ensure a regular monitoring mechanism to evaluate the progress of Syrian Arab Red Crescent Society (SARC) in the implementation of the National Society Regional Conference commitments.
Coordinate, cooperate, and form strategic partnerships
– Ensure effective membership coordination in the country to ensure greater efficiency in the collective financial and technical support of Partner National Societies operating in This will include greater compliance with Federation policies, procedures, guidelines and quality standards and coherent support aligned with the national society priorities.
– Facilitate cooperation and coordination in all programmes and operations between the host NS, PNS and ICRC to ensure the most effective mobilisation and utilisation of resources across the country.
– Build effective partnerships with a wide range of partners and stakeholders in government, civil society, academia and the private sector to support the National Society strategic and operational plan and priorities.
– Reinforce understanding, application and engagement of Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) and Movement partners in Syria around Seville Agreement and its Supplementary measures and SMCC.
– Engage with the Regional Office on the strategic relations IFRC has with the National Society and on other relevant regional partners or initiatives that be promoted from Syria.
Support global IFRC initiatives
– Working with the NS and local Government, to build global alliances and develop interest in and support to the global work of the IFRC aligned to S-2030 and the outcomes of the National Society Regional Conference commitments.
– Support the conclusion and implementation of Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) for international humanitarian and development cooperation with the Government and the NS.
– Support the leadership of the NS on global partnerships with the Government and other institutions in the country.
– Engage in actions to ensure greater agility, efficiency and impact on all IFRC activities.
Develop effective humanitarian diplomacy
– Monitor and analyse political, economic and social trends in the country for planning purposes and for keeping the Federation Secretariat and partners informed and using the information for the revision of annual plans together with the NS.
– Engaged with the NS in the formulation of policy objectives for advocacy, communications and external relations for the country in line with Federation global priorities.
– Represent IFRC at national events taking place in the country – also at meetings which are of global relevance.
– Provide assistance to the NS to enhance the auxiliary role in the humanitarian field and to develop effective humanitarian diplomacy, communications and external relations, and ensure that these build on and promote Federation priorities.
– Ensure effective cooperation with ICRC and IFRC membership in the country in representation and advocacy work.
Response to disasters
– Reinforce preparedness and readiness to respond to shocks; enhancing community resilience including early warning, action and anticipation to mitigate risks from multi-hazards affecting the lives, the livelihoods and the living conditions of vulnerable communities and most disadvantages and hard to reach. And responding to all types of crises and disasters in the most effective and efficient way to save lives and put in place conditions for early recovery
– Provide effective support, to facilitate effective disaster response, coordination with national response mechanism and to build on and strengthen NS capacities in the country.
– Ensure that national resources from the country are made available rapidly and efficiently to support Federation disaster response.
– Work with the Regional Emergency and Crisis team on the management of international appeals and international response coordination where and when appropriate and ensure effective membership coordination and depending of the scale of the emergency effective application of SMCC 2.0 principles.
Duties and Responsibilities continue in the Comments section
- Post-graduate (i.e., Master’s degree or equivalent) in social sciences/development studies, strategic/programme management, management studies or other relevant discipline
- IMPACT course or equivalent knowledge
- 10+ years work experience in managing operations for a humanitarian aid organisation and or development cooperation organisation
- Minimum of 5 years of experience at a senior management level
- 5 years of work experience including management in a Red Cross/Red Crescent National Society, IFRC or ICRC
- 5 years’ experience of proven high-level communication skills backed by proven track record in programmes management
- Proven results-based experience on relationship management and resource mobilisation
- Proven experience in people management
- Proven record of security regulations implementation
- Proven experience in governance and leadership support
- Proven experience of acting in a representational role and maintaining donor and partner relations
- Proven experience of working in the region
Knowledge, skills and languages
Required Knowledge and skills
- Strong management and organizational skills, including ability to delegate authority and responsibility
- Good intercultural communication skills
- Ability to work in a cross cultural and cross functional environment
- Strong financial management skills
- Computer literate and proficient in Microsoft Office
- Excellent interpersonal negotiations skills, including ability to effectively communicate a vision, solve problems and manage conflict
- Proven people management skills in a multi-cultural environment and strong track record of developing people
- Demonstrated ability to undertake high-level representational and advocacy role
Drive change and improvements and ability to deliver strategies in a challenging environment - Understanding of and commitment to the IFRC’s mission and values
- Demonstrated initiative and creativity, and substantial experience of strategic thinking, including identifying, analysing, problem solving and responding to opportunities and challenges and the ability to translate these into practical plans of action
Required Languages
- Fluently spoken and written English
- Good command of another IFRC official language (Arabic, French and/or Spanish) or language relevant in the region
Competencies and values
Core Competencies: Communication; Collaboration and Teamwork; Judgement and Decision Making; National Society and Customer Relations; Creativity and Innovation; Building Trust;
Managerial Competencies: Managing Staff Performance; Managing Staff Development
Functional Competencies: Strategic Orientation; Building Alliances; Leadership; Empowering Others
Continuation of Duties and Responsibilities
Management of Secretariat resources in the country
– Ensure that an effective and relevant organisational structure is in place for effective support of the local National Society.
– Manage all staff under his/her authority – including those in the Country Office.
– Ensure the application of all established HR policies and procedures, and that staff hired in country are employed in accordance with local laws and practices.
– Implement the Federation Secretariat’s gender and diversity policies.
– Ensure dissemination of the Code of Conduct for Staff to everyone under his/her authority.
Finance and Risk Management
– Ensure sound financial management of the Secretariat’s programming in the country, that effective budget planning is in place, and that programmes operate within approved budgets.
– Ensure the quality and timeliness of the reporting of the Federation Secretariat’s programming.
– Maintain regular management reporting to the Regional Director.
– Ensure highest standards of accountability through preventive measures and firmed actions on issues raising concern of no compliance on integrity, reputation and transparency along with the IFRC policies and procedures.
– Ensure sound risk management culture within the Office and in the support to the of Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) digital transformation to advance on a common agenda to address greater accountability and institutional operational efficiencies.
– Ensure all IFRC (and other RCRC) personnel, assets, and operations under IFRC responsibility are adequately protected under comprehensive and effective 24/7 security management, and that identified security risk are mitigated and much as possible, including regular trainings, coordination and advice with security sensitive situations.
– Undertake security risk assessment of Federation operations according to the needs to ensure compliance with the Federation’s Minimum-Security Requirements (MSR), and develop/update appropriate security plans and procedures in accordance with MSR. This includes Office, Residential and Site security coordination.
– Monitor and analyse security, political and socio-economic situation, and identify security related trends and issues that affect the Federation and RC/RC Movement and establish and maintain coordination with external stakeholders and ensures country specific security briefings and debriefings as appropriated.
رابط التقديم
هذا الموقع يستخدم خدمة أكيسميت للتقليل من البريد المزعجة. اعرف المزيد عن كيفية التعامل مع بيانات التعليقات الخاصة بك processed.
معلومات الفرصة
- المسمى الوظيفي
Head of Country Office - الشركة/المؤسسة:
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) - نوع العقد:
Full time - الخبرات:
More than 10 years - اللغات:
- نوع العقد:
Full time - القطاع:
- تاريخ الانتهاء:
معلومات التواصل
إضافة تعليق إلغاء الرد
هذا الموقع يستخدم خدمة أكيسميت للتقليل من البريد المزعجة. اعرف المزيد عن كيفية التعامل مع بيانات التعليقات الخاصة بك processed.
إضافة تعليق