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Launch of the Key Messages on Women, Land and Peace

Date: February 16, 2022


On 16 February 2022, UN-Habitat, the Global Land Tool Network, and the Housing, Land and Property Area of Responsibility of the Global Protection Cluster, in collaboration with UNHCR and NRC, will host an online event to launch the “Key Messages on Women, Land and Peace. Sustaining Peace through Women’s Empowerment and Increased Access to Land and Property Rights in Fragile and Conflict-affected Contexts”.

The role of women is pivotal to the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peacebuilding and peacekeeping. This role is often undetected and is consistently underreported.  To adequately play their role as agents of peace, women need to feel secure in their communities and be empowered to participate meaningfully in decision making and planning. Housing, land and property rights are an essential enabler of both.  The Key Messages, developed from operational experience, provide a quick reference on how to empower women and protect their housing, land and property rights in fragile and crisis affected contexts, and why this is an essential element to sustain peace and stability.

During the webinar, colleagues from UN-Habitat, NRC and UNHCR will present the content of the Key Messages and some examples of their field implementation showcasing:

  • How to increase the recognition and protection of women’s housing, land and property rights in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
  • How to empower and increase women’s participation in processes related to land management and housing, land and property rights
  • Women’s housing land and property rights for conflict prevention and recovery: the humanitarian-development-peace nexus

The event will allow time for questions and discussion.

The webinar will be held in English, with simultaneous translation in English, Arabic and French.

Please register here: https://nrc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpceqtqD8jGddtpHeSV2SUc1MyzpyHyqkX to attend the launch of the Key Messages. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

For more information, please find below the webinar draft concept note and the flyer of the event, or get in touch with Jim Robinson jim.robinson@nrc.no and Eleonora Serpi eleonora.serpi@un.org

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