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Global Feminist Pitch: For Feminist Mobilisation

Expired in 2022-05-20

About the project

The shrinking spaces for action, an increase in nationalism and authoritarianism, as well as anti-feminist and right-wing populist rhetoric are affecting the work of organizations and individuals active in the feminist and gender-political field. Black women, Indigenous women, women with disabilities, women with non-conforming sexual orientation and gender identity, and other marginalized groups are further disadvantaged and/or criminalized by society and by the laws of their respective countries. Discrimination usually has a lasting effect on all areas of life – education, work, family life, health – and can lead to various challenges. Feminists around the world have responded to these challenges through mobilisation and solidarity.

The Global Feminist Pitch wants to give feminists from the Global South and (South) Eastern Europe the chance to accentuate these movements as well as their intersectional and intergenerational nature. In the Global Feminist Pitch 2022, ten feminists will get the opportunity to map and write about the feminist movements in their respective regions in a format of their choice (essays, features, papers, reports, articles, or case studies). In this process, they will be supported by the Global Unit for Feminism and Gender Democracy through workshops and consultations. The finished pieces will be published in a publication on feminist mobilisation in the Global South and (South) Eastern Europe by the end of 2022. This publication will contribute to the global debate, complement the existing discourse, and provide feminists, activists, other organisations, and donors with crucial information about successful feminist movements that are significant for the feminist narrative.

Find the full Call for Application here.

Read all about the Global Feminist Pitch 2021 here.


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