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R=P seeks a legal research assistant to conduct a study assessing the legal and political

challenges that both permits and/or hinders proposing a new policy to Syrian refugees’ access to

Legal permits in Lebanon.


• Outline, literature review and assessment on various legal matters within the project’s


• Engage with partners in the design and implementation of the research.

• Provide advice on different legal issues and assist in drafting legal opinions, memoranda

and other legal documents as needed by the project.

• Be actively involved in various project milestones and activities including meetings and


• Assist in reviewing any legal material produced by the project and any other relevant

documents and to identify the most important issues that need to be sorted out on a priority


• Presentation of research findings to R=P and the project partners.

• Other related legal reviews and opinions as requested by the project.



Core Values

• Respect for diversity, integrity, transparency, and professionalism.

Core Competencies

• Accountability; Creative Problem Solving; Effective Communication; Inclusive Collaboration;

Stakeholder Engagement; and Time Management Skills.

Functional Competencies

• Demonstrated experience in conducting research on legal issues and knowledge of

international and national legal frameworks.

• Strong knowledge and familiarity with national institutions and civil society organizations in


• Ability to communicate complex information and ideas in a simplified manner.

• Strong written and oral communication skills in both English and Arabic.

• Ability to work under pressure and to deliver on time.




• Master’s degree in law, ……. or equivalent work experience.

• A first-level university degree in combination with three additional years of qualifying

experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.


• At least 3 years of increasingly responsible experience in research that focuses on legal


• Experience in strategic analysis and report writing.

• Familiarity with legal issues in Lebanon and Syria and broader legislative issues in the

country is essential.

• Familiarity with R=P work is desirable.

Language Requirements:

• Proficiency in oral and written English and Arabic is a must.


Interested Individual Researcher must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate

their qualifications to R=P project manager (Fatima Ibrahim) on the following email address:

[email protected]

• A cover letter with a brief presentation of your research experience explaining your

suitability for the work and link to the portfolio of work

• Personal CV


For more information please visit the link below :



إضافة تعليق

Your email is safe with us.

هذا الموقع يستخدم Akismet للحدّ من التعليقات المزعجة والغير مرغوبة. تعرّف على كيفية معالجة بيانات تعليقك.

معلومات الفرصة

  • المسمى الوظيفي
    Legal Assistant Researcher
  • الشركة/المؤسسة:
    Refugees=Partners (R=P)
  • نوع العقد:
    Full time
  • الشهادة المطلوبة:
    Masters Degree
  • الخبرات:
    3 - 5 Years
  • اللغات:
  • نوع العقد:
    Full time
  • القطاع:

معلومات التواصل

إضافة تعليق

Your email is safe with us.

هذا الموقع يستخدم Akismet للحدّ من التعليقات المزعجة والغير مرغوبة. تعرّف على كيفية معالجة بيانات تعليقك.

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